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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Unshakable Marriage. Luke 6:47-49

Many people when they get married look forward to building their dream house. They look at what kind of bricks they want to build with; how many rooms they would like to have; what colour paint matches their personalities, and what flooring they would prefer. These questions although important forget the single most important and most disregarded part of the house; the foundation. But before even the foundation can be laid preparation must be made to ensure the strength of the foundation. This preparation is the difference between a house that lasts a few storms and a house that will not fail. Luke chapter six shows us what Jesus has to say about building our house. “Everyone who comes to me and hears my teaching and does what I say is like the man who before building his house digs deep and lays the foundation on the solid rock; when the flood rises up and the river bank bursts onto the house, it doesn’t even shake it, because the house has been built well.

Dig Deep to the Solid Rock:
Before building a house, you need to lay a foundation. No foundation, no house, it’s that simple. But what happens when you lay the foundation on top of sand???  When the wind blows up and the rains fall down the foundation will sink and slide and possibly crack up because the foundation isn’t secured onto anything. 

When Jesus is talking about the solid rock that we need to dig deep to before we can lay the foundation what does he mean? The solid rock is the base that we have, it is the stability for our foundation, it is the most important part of our lives. Our bedrock is Jesus Christ.

When you were baptised God gave you a new life. Our Father dug deep and His Son became the solid rock which you can now rely on for your strength and stability. He became the bedrock on which your foundation is now placed.

Laying the Foundation on the Solid Rock:
The foundation is the layer on which the house is built. Without the foundation there is no house, just a pile of wood and bricks that will topple over without any effort. Jesus in our reading shows us the difference between the person who builds on the foundation placed on the solid rock and the person who builds straight onto the dirt. The one remains standing strong, while the other comes crashing down and destroys both house and home.

But what are the elements of this unshakable foundation? We know that firstly it must be built upon the solid rock as this gives the foundation its strength and stability. But what makes the foundation unshakable?

In this passage Jesus says that those who hear my teachings and do them are like the person who builds his house on the foundation on the solid rock. The foundation is the Hearing of God’s Word.

Where can we find his Words? The answer to this is: in the Bible, and through the Church. The Bible is one of the places where we are given the Holy Spirit. God speaks directly into our lives and into our situations by His Word. God’s words are the concrete that hold the foundation together. God gives us the church to encourage us. The supports which the church gives are huge. The church encourages us to read God’s word. It points us continually to our baptisms, where God dug deep; right down to the solid rock that is his Son. When times get tough the Church helps to remind us who we are, that we are Children of God secure on the rock that is Christ. The church is where we hear Gods word and see it enacted in the service. These things when they are hardened in us become the unshakable foundation on which we can now build our home.

Building our Homes on the Foundation on the Solid Rock:
And so we are finally ready to build the house. But what are we to use to build our houses? Can we know what colour, what texture, or what style to use??? Simply put yes! Jesus tells us that those who hear and do are the builders of the stable house. The architecture and the interior design of the house are given to us by the great architect and designer of the world himself. Today as we are thinking specifically of marriage we ponder Christ’s words about marriage. These are the building supplies that Christ gives us for building a strong and unshakable marriage.

In Matthew Chapter 5 Jesus says “You have heard it said, ‘Do not commit adultery’ But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery in his heart”. I guess to many here this is a no brainer. Of course if someone was to commit adultery they are placing their marriages on shaky ground. But have you ever thought about what it means when you just take a peek? It means that you are committing adultery and that is a recipe for house destruction. 

In Mark Chapter 10 Jesus says: “But at the beginning of creation God 'made them male and female. And for this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh”. This is Jesus telling us that sex is part of a healthy marriage. He designed you male and female. He designed you to move out from your parent’s house and be joined to each other as husband and as wife, as one flesh. 

In Matthew Chapter 18 Jesus says: “When two or more come together in my name there I am with them”. What better way is there to strengthen the bonds of marriage, to build our houses; our families, than in prayer to our Father, through Jesus Christ, our Lord, who is with us when we pray together? He is our solid rock; he is our foundation and he is the crucial part of the building of our homes. To live in Him is to live an unshakeable life.

So build your home upon the foundation which has been secured to the solid rock.  At your baptism you’re Father dug deep, He placed Jesus Christ as your solid rock. He gave you His Word, and He gave you the Church as your foundation, and now He gives you each other, along with the blueprint for how to build your home. He has given you all that you need for an unshakable life together, living and serving God as husband and wife.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Seek but He will find you. (Matthew 6:24-34)

Sermon prepared for ALC Class.

We seek God’s Kingdom and Righteousness.
How many songs are there that tell us not to worry?
Two instantly spring to my mind the first being Bobby McFerrin’s Song “Don’t Worry, Be Happy, the second being “Hakuna matata” from the Lion King, where young Simba is taught the philosophy of an over active Meer Kat and a large sensitive wart hog who was hurt when his friends wouldn’t stand downwind from him. Hakuna Matata for those who don’t know means “No worries, for the rest of your days”.
But can anyone truly stop worrying?
How good would it be if by singing a song all of our cares, all of our worries, all of the pressures of life could be erased? I have found that no matter how many people tell me not to worry, I still do. In fact the more people that tell me not to worry the more I worry because they can obviously see that I have something worth worrying about.
Some people as they are reading this are thinking that at times its good to worry, that it keeps them motivated, or that worry keeps them focused on what’s important.
So why does it matter if we worry anyway?
Jesus in today’s gospel reading tells us not to worry, But to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.
So what does it mean to seek something???
On the T.V. for the last couple of months there has been an ad for the website The ad tells us that humans by nature are curious creatures as proven by the fact that we search through every milk carton on the shelf, seeking the best expiry date. It says that we as humans go through many personal relationships seeking the best matched partner. And it asks the question “why do we need to know what’s in there, up there or out there”, and the answer they give us is “because if we didn’t seek we wouldn’t find”.
What kinds of things do people seek? says that we seek all sorts of things, because it is human nature to seek. Jesus in today’s gospel reading narrows it down to just two things. God or Money!
The word that is translated Money in this translation use to be translated as Mammon. Mammon has a far greater meaning than Money. We see money in terms of cash flow (what comes in and what goes out). Mammon however has the meaning of possessions that have taken on a personality of some kind. It has a similar understanding to that of idol worshiping; like that of the Hindu’s or Buddhist’s. These people pray and offer things to their man made statues, and they think that their idols hear and see them. Hoping that they may feed and clothe them (As if a piece of rock or stone has that kind of power). This is the meaning Jesus gives to the alternative to serving God, The serving of mammon. In a sense Jesus is asking, do you serve Me or do you serve the things which you have made?
Jesus says to serve Him alone. That we are to serve God; not Mammon. He also tells us in this text that we are not to worry, for our Father knows everything that we need. Rather, we are to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.
How do “you” seek the Kingdom of God?
People try many things trying to seek God’s kingdom. They turn up to church with the hope that they will find God. They do good things hoping that by doing them they may get closer to God’s kingdom. Some people even try seeking the Kingdom of God by reading the Bible as if it were the key to entering it. Yet Jesus’ words ring true “Unless your righteousness exceeds that of the Pharisees, you will never enter the Kingdom of God”.
What can “you” do to obtain the righteousness God requires?
All that God asks you to do to obtain the righteousness he requires is to live a perfect and holy life. To obey the laws he commanded, to Love the Lord your God and serve only Him. The commandment given to us by God, which teaches us to fear love and trust in Him. You cannot serve two masters, God or Mammon?
Why then does Christ say “that we can serve only one master, God or Mammon?” Quite simply because if we served anything other than God, if we trust in anything other than our Father. We are trusting in a false hope, we are trusting in things that do not have the ability to help.
If we truly serve God and serve Him alone, would we still need to worry about earthly things? About what we will eat and what we will wear?     
Isn’t that what Jesus said is what the Non believers do?
Every time that we don’t believe that our Father will provide for what we need, we break God’s Law? He commands us to Love and Serve only Him. And Doesn’t that mean that we are to fear, love and trust in God above all things (above Mammon)?
So then if worrying about our lives is breaking the first commandment;
Haven’t we have already lost the “righteousness” we were trying to seek?
Haven’t we already lost the focus of seeking the kingdom of God?
You see worry takes our focus away from the Kingdom of Heaven, away from Christ. It places the burdens of life directly on our shoulders and we begin to be weighed down by our worry, by our anxiety. This worry gives birth to more worry. We begin to try and rescue ourselves from the spiral of despair which seems to have no ending, wishing that our worries would all just disappear. We try to escape this pit of despair in many ways, some try yoga, others try the self help books and others try to soothe their anxiety by singing...  “
God seeks us for His kingdom and seeks to give us His righteousness.
Don’t be anxious, for we know that there is one way our worries, our anxiety and our sin can be removed. We heard it earlier at the absolution straight after we confessed our sins:
Almighty God, our heavenly Father, has had mercy on us, and has given his only Son to die for us, and for his sake forgives us all our sins. To those who believe in his name he has given the right to become children of God, and has given them his Holy Spirit. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved.
You see, there is absolutely nothing we can do to become truly righteous in the eyes of Our Father. There is absolutely nothing we have done that has caused us to be forgiven by Our Father. Christ is our Righteousness. Christ is our forgiveness. And Christ did it all for you because He loves you. I’m not saying that you should not go to church; that you should not read your bible; and that you should not keep the commandments. In fact Jesus says “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be satisfied”. What I am trying to stress is that there is nothing that you, nor I, can ever do to become righteous. It is Christ who makes us clean, it is Christ who makes us holy. It is Christ who makes it possible to live a perfect and holy life. Not by what we do, But by what Christ has done.
Earlier I asked, “How do you seek the kingdom of God?” and I gave three examples of how people try to seek God’s Kingdom; the ways people try to gain access to the kingdom of God.
Firstly I said that people come to church in the hope of finding God, as if that is something that we can do. God has already come to us. He has drawn us to Him. At our baptism He declared you to be His child. You are His daughters, you are His sons.
The second thing I said was that people do good things, in an attempt to “pay” their way into heaven, as if anything we do that is good, is really anything other than a response to the great things God has first done for us.
And finally I said that people even try to gain access to God’s kingdom by reading the Bible, as if it were the key to the Kingdom of Heaven, to which I now say... that we may read the words of life written in the Bible, but can we really know what these words are saying to us apart from the Holy Spirit who was given to us by Christ?
Remember the ad on T.V?  Remember how the reason for us needing to seek things was that “if we didn’t seek we wouldn’t find”. How does this statement work in light of all we have learnt today about this text? How do you find the Kingdom of God? How do you find God’s righteousness? 
The answer quite simply is that we cannot find God’s kingdom. It is Jesus who seeks us for His Kingdom. By our Father’s grace and by His mercy he has called each and every one of us, to be His children. Jesus has washed us. Jesus has cleansed us from all sin and has made us righteous by His righteousness. We have access to Our Father in Heaven. Ever since your baptism you have had access to the kingdom of God, because Jesus came and died on the cross for you, for your sin. He died for your righteousness. We are, by no effort of our own, righteous and holy. We are purified and perfected. We are children of the Father and members of the Kingdom of God.
Does this mean that we will not fall into sin? No, we will be tempted and we will fall. However, we know that when we confess our sins to God he hears us and forgives us for the sake of His son, in whom we find our righteousness.
Living in His kingdom in His righteousness.
So don’t be like the unbelievers who worry about earthly possessions, like what they will eat or what they will wear. Trust in God above all things, serve only Him. Focus on Jesus Christ and ask Him to remove your worries and anxieties. Ask Jesus to help you place your trust in Him.
When things spring up on you, when things worry you and make you anxious about the things you cannot control; know this! You can trust in our Father, because He has promised you that He will look after you and will give you all you need. When you lack in faith know that you are forgiven despite your lack of faith for the sake of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who has made you righteous.
You cannot serve two masters! Don’t worry, live for Christ. Serve He who has made you righteous by His death and has granted you access to His Kingdom; the Kingdom of God. Amen.