Don’t Worry
When I was writing this weeks sermon I decided it was going to be an extremely short one. It was because it’s one that I’m sure you’ve had preached to you many times. One that has been preached at you by your Family, your Friends, and even people you don’t really know. And now I’m going to join those ranks, so here it is:
“Don’t Worry”
And may the peace of God which passes all human understanding keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Amen
If only we could hear those words “the peace of God” and “keep your hearts and minds on Christ Jesus” and believe them and feel them and know with all our heart that they were true. If we did I wouldn’t need to keep talking. But we don’t always feel the effects of these words do we? We quite often feel like we have no peace don’t we. And so you get to listen to me for a little while longer.
Don’t Worry
We all worry about STUFF and we forget all about Our Father in Heaven who can take away our anxieties, and give us His peace.
We all know we shouldn’t worry, But have you ever sat down and thought about the “Why” you shouldn’t worry?
Have you ever thought about what worry actually does?
Worry does plenty of things, most of them are not good. The easiest way for me to explain them is by talking about worry in terms of an illness, and the symptoms of the illness.
The Symptoms of Worry.
So what is the first visible symptom of worry?
It Reduces our productivity
Quite often when people are worried or stressed about something, they find it can consume them.
They might be worried about how they will afford the necessities of life, like food, clothing, or a roof over their families head.
They might even worry about the extra’s in life, like, needing a new mobile phone, or a new computer, a new car, or even the need to buy a house so that if they were to die tomorrow their families future would be secure.
The one thing which rings true in many of the circumstances where we worry about STUFF is that our worry consumes us, It stops us from being productive, it stops us from working in our callings. And finally it takes your focus away from Our Father in Heaven.
Have you ever felt like your worries have taken away from your place of work. The place where your called to be as Christ to the community?
Damages our health
The second symptom of worry which can be less obvious initially, but when worry is not dealt with properly begins to surface, is that of your health. It has been proven that stress is one of the leading reasons of people not sleeping properly. Lack of sleep can lead to reduced immune function which can lead to all sorts of nasties happening to you.
Also, have you ever found that when your exhausted because of lack of sleep the last thing you want to do is try and remember to start the day in prayer?
I know all I think is that I need coffee in my belly.
Whats worse, the tiredness, which is caused by the lack of sleep, because of your worry can be the reason we forget to get into Our Fathers Word during the day?
Effects the way we respond to one another.
The final symptom of worry is in the way we treat one another. Worry leads us into a multitude of actions we don’t necessarily want to do. It can be as subtle as going up to people and continually complaining about the hand that you have been dealt. I know I have done it before, and I’ve had it done to me... Very annoying!
Who do we Serve?
Worrying about STUFF can lead you down the spiral of envy and jealously. We even begin to idolize the STUFF we want. We end up not being able to think about anything other than those things we need. And we begin to think; if only I had that boat... that house... that car... that holiday... that computer... that phone... these clothes... or that food...; If I only had one or some of these things I would be happy and all my worries would be erased.
Jesus in todays Gospel reading found in Matthew says That we can only serve one master: God, or Mammon. For those who don’t know, the definition of Mammon, is STUFF personified, or in other words STUFF which has been made an equal, given a personality. Jesus also says in the reading that we should not ‘Worry’ about what we are to wear or what we are to eat because that is what the pagans seek.
So does that mean if we worry, we are sinning???
No..., well actually..., let me rephrase that..., Not Necessarily.
The sin is not in the initial worry about STUFF itself. But It happens when you place your worry of STUFF above Our Father.
When you suffer the symptoms of Worry you can feel pretty sure that you are not trusting God above all things. And isn’t that the complete opposite to what God wants us to do?
When you see yourself consumed in the thoughts of your needs and wants, instead of asking Our Father to provide your daily bread. And when you see your self forgetting to Read God’s Word and praying because your not sleeping because of your Worries, and when you see yourself removing yourself from others or others removing themselves from you because of your worries. It’s pretty safe to say your not trusting or putting your faith in God above all things.
Remember, You can only serve One Master, Who do you Serve? God or Mammon?
Seek First the Kingdom of God
The cure of Worry:
So if we look at worry in the same way as we see an illness, or a disease, it stands to reason, doesn’t it... that we need a cure? And all thanks be to Our Father in Heaven that He has given us the antidote.
When reflecting on the Second part of the apostles creed: Luther says that Jesus suffered and died. And that He was buried to make amends for you and that He payed all that you owed, not with gold or silver (or any other STUFF) but with His own precious blood.
And you know what??? Jesus did it all so that He could be your Master, so that He could be Your Lord.
The antidote according to Christ himself is Seeking first the Kingdom of God. But how are we part of His Kingdom? Firstly it was at our baptisms. When we received the Name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit, when we became Our Father’s child. He adopted us, and Jesus say’s that Our Father in heaven knows what you need, so we don’t need to worry about them.
Secondly we celebrate being part of His kingdom every time we come to Holy Communion, and receive the body and blood of Jesus Christ... We actively Seek God’s kingdom by physically partaking of His Body. The kingdom of God is literally present in us, mixing with us, becoming one with us. Because the King is really truly present in the meal.
Effects of the Cure:
As with all medicines their are various effects of the cure; these I am going to tell you about now. The effects of the cure of worry are: A change of heart, Reconciliation to Our Father, and A life with less anxiety,
A Change of Heart
The cure begins with a change of heart, in repentance. It starts with you changing your starting point from worrying about the STUFF you want and need. And rather turning to prayer saying: My Father in heaven, you know that I have worried about the things that I want and need and have forgotten to place my trust in you. Forgive me, Help me to put my trust in You, Help me to remember you and I ask in the name of Jesus Christ, whose blood cures me, remove the worry in my life so that I can place my trust in you.
Reconciliation to the Father
By the cure of the Blood of Christ and His name, You are made righteous. Not by what you have done or by what you will do. Not even by Gold or Silver or any other STUFF, You are made righteous, by the precious blood of Jesus Christ. You are reconciled to your Father. He knows what you need and he gives you what you truly need, In His good will.
A life with less anxiety
By allowing God to be in control, and allowing Him to serve you, You become dependent on Him. And this is exactly what He wants, and what he requires. And the best thing about it is that the reason He wants to be trusted above all things is that He wants to give you every good thing, He wants to act in a kindly way, not only to you, but too all your decedents for a thousand generations. All He asks for is that you trust in Him above all other STUFF.
If symptoms persist please see the Good Doctor.
Does this mean we won’t worry, No. If it were true there would be no reason for the cure. And no reason for the preaching of God’s peace, and of his Fatherly love.
What it does mean, is that when you are going through times of worry in your life, you can use the worries as prompts to pray, as prompts to get into God’s word and let it stir you up from within. As prompts to go to your Pastor or to an elder or to one another, and privately confess your sins and have them forgiven in the Name of The Father, And of The Son, And of The Holy Spirit.
So when you are worried please remember this, You are God’s Child. You have been cured by the Blood of Christ.
You CAN TRUST in the peace of God which passes all human understanding, And that your Father DOES AND WILL keep your Heart and Your Mind in Christ Jesus.