Can you remember back to when you were a child? Can you remember a time when you were alone, and in the dark? Can you remember how you felt? Were you afraid, or worried, or even on the verge of panic?
Can you remember a time you were outside in the pitch black of night wishing there was a light so that you could see where you were. So that you might be able to navigate around, knowing that you weren’t about to fall into some unknown danger.
Can you imagine what it would be like if the light never came, if that all consuming darkness swallowed you up, and you had no way of getting yourself out?
Do you still feel that way at times today? Are you afraid? Do you know which direction your life is going? Do you know what’s lurking around the next corner? Are you stumbling around in life’s darkness; feeling like you are falling deeper and deeper in despair? Do you wish that your circumstances would be different? Or that all your worries would disappear?
Do you wish that the light would come on and scare all that is darkness away?
We all know darkness; haven’t we all experienced darkness creep up on us and surround us. We all fear different things and these fears if not dealt with become obstacles which we fall into, again and again and again.
These obstacles spread like mould in the dark; they lead us into depression, into a deep gloom, and they become so rooted in our lives that we cannot get rid of them on our own.
When our fears have taken over, it’s not a big step to get to despair. Correct me if I’m wrong, but haven’t we all been here. You know what I talking about, that feeling that festers at the pit of your gut. The feeling of hopelessness, of darkness, of fear, of despair. Despair eventually empties us of all hope, of all light, we feel the weight of darkness creeping in, smothering us with its vastness. We try to get ourselves out of the darkness; we try to find the light switch. But we can’t. None of us can.
We live our fears, then, they engulf us. We can’t see the path in front of us. We can’t see the directions we are suppose to be going. And we may feel as if the darkness will remain forever, we can’t get out. And we are lost in the darkness.
I sit in the darkness;
I cry out in the night.
Shadows all around
my life is full of fright.
I feel dark upon me,
An eerie mist of sin
Tugging at my heart,
Begging "Let us in."
Beyond the dark I hear,
Calling out my name,
A faint yet fervent voice,
"Darkness I will tame."
Still I let the darkness
Eat this heart of mine.
Yet linger did the voice,
"Do not cross that line."
"Survival here is worth
more than you can see.
Reach towards the light
Darkness it will flee."
One night the dark was
more evil than before.
The voice spoke gently,
"Open up Light's door."
I called out to the Light,
The Voice bidding me.
I cried out, "I need you."
"Lord, please let me see!"
"Help me get beyond,
The dark restraining me,
Let me see Your glory,
Set this captive free."
Then the evil shrieked;
The murky darkness fled
Great Glory shone around
In the shadows stead
My life has another captor
The darkness stays away
The Saviour of my life holds
The sinister dark at bay.
Are we left in darkness? No. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. In fact the light has already been switched on, for you. The problem we have is trying to see this light through our darkness.
The light of the world has come. Jesus Christ, the living God, has come and shone on us. We who have been living in the darkness of our fears and of our sadness’s, we have had His light shine on us. We have had the light shone on our path. The burdens that were upon our shoulders are being lifted, we have been freed.
Sometimes when a person is baptized we light a candle and give it to them to remind them that they are the light of the world. But have you ever thought about “How you are the light of the world”?
You are the light of the world, because Jesus is in you. Your lives are filled with His presence. The light that shines on your path is actually living within you. A couple of months ago my church had a baptismal remembrance service and one person after the service was talking to me about how much it meant to him. It was the first time he had received a candle to remember his baptism. It reminded him of that time when Jesus came down to him, and made him His brother. I’m not sure what he is doing with his candle now. But I hope that it is in a position where he can constantly see it and remember his baptism. And so too for you reading this today.
Things get tough. We get stressed, We get depressed. Darkness creeps in and we fall deeper and deeper in despair.
But that isn’t the end of the story is it? In fact isn’t the end of the story really the beginning of your story with God.
When you were baptised, you were given the right and privilege of being God’s child. He gave you access to call on Him, and He promised you that he would give you strength. He promised you that your burdens would be lifted, and that he would multiply your joy. He promises that he will be with you forever and that he loves you so SO much. We have a hope that we can be sure of because Jesus has promised it to us. He is our Lord. He is our Saviour. And He is our Light.
God has made glorious the way that was hated, he has made His light, Jesus Christ, shine on us. Where there was depression there is now joy. Where there was distress there is now hope.